A Civic Technology Award for Here LA and LA Metro!


Here LA's Inglewood First/Last Mile Plan has won an Award of Merit for Innovative Use of Technology from the American Planning Association, Los Angeles.

Our team, which included LA Metro, Here LA, and Steer, designed and built the First/Last Mile walk audit App, which is a mobile, web-based platform that records, shares, and analyzes community observations that are geo-coded to places in the city.

The tool will be used during Metro's First/Last Mile analysis around new and existing Metro station areas.  All observations made through the App are centralized in a project dashboard. This allows remote consultants and project staff to track, compare, and analyze the data in one place. The App has eliminated the laborious data entry phase of analysis. The data can be exported for analysis in various GIS programs.

So far the App has been used to gather community feedback on Metro projects like the Gold Line Foothill Extension and the Purple Line Extension, and is slated to be used on the East San Fernando Valley Transit Corridor project.

The App is designed to increase community involvement in the design process, making it easier and more enjoyable to participate.  The end goal is a more "open-sourced" approach.


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Rethinking the Street