Listening to Each Other: The Long Beach Safe Streets Story Bench


Coming Soon to your Neighborhood: the Safe Streets Long Beach Story Bench!

Do you have a story about how traffic violence or street conditions have impacted your life or the life of someone you know? Please come and share your story at the Story Bench. You will be able to record your story and make a pledge to ensure safer streets in Long Beach. Your stories will inform the City’s Safe Streets Action Plan. The Story Bench has been roaming around Long Beach and will continue to do so, through November 2018.

Check out the Safe Streets website to learn more. Can't attend a Story Bench date? Go here to record your story and send it directly to the Safe Streets team.

Here LA designed the Story Bench, as part of the Safe Streets project. The goal is to gather stories to personalize traffic violence and put a human face on the problem.


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