Santa Monica Creative Crosswalks
Client: City of Santa Monica
Location: Santa Monica, CA
2017 American Planning Association (APA)
Los Angeles Award of Excellence winner2017 Westside Urban Forum Award of Merit
for Public Open Space
The Santa Monica Crosswalks Creative Pilot Project is a precedent setter for the region, state, and nation. Amidst a national trend of caution regarding art in crosswalks, the City boldly pushed forward to introduce three pilot art-filled crosswalks designed by HERE in the heart of Downtown, to put some of the ideas from the City's recent planning efforts into action.
The project sets a precedent, not only because of this national context, but also because of the speed and process by which the project was completed. With cities increasingly interested in making tangible impacts quickly—as evidenced through the recent growth of tactical urbanism and pop-up projects—this project showcases how real results can be installed in-the-ground in a short amount of time, while still engaging the community’s input and using high-quality design and materials.
HERE’s work for the project was written up in the NY Times, LA Times, and local media outlets.